Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Secret to Marketing to Millenials - The Writers For Hire

MARKETING TO MILLENNIALS I’ve been seeing this term more and more often – â€Å"The Millennials,† the new generation that’s replacing Gen X-ers. It seems a lot of companies are trying to rope in the support of this generation – desperately. What’s the big deal about the Millennials? Well, they’re the second largest generation group, over 70 million of them born between 1980 and 2000; the Baby Boomers are the only ones to beat them out with 77 million. And they’re representing a huge shift in the job market, the economy, and the American philosophical climate. What’s more: They’ve got ample spending money. So getting the attention of Millennials has become important to a lot of companies, and those companies are doing a little re-branding in the process. I’ve condensed a few marketing strategies here: it’s a little bit about who the Millennials are, what they want, and how to get the new golden generation to buy your product. Here we go: They’re Connected. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Pinterest – Millennials are the kings of social media. If you’re going to compete, you need to get your brand up and running on one of these sites. But don’t get too in-your-face: Millennials will shut you out if your marketing campaigns are too insistent or resemble spam. Be sure to read some of our other posts about effective blogging techniques and social media marketing plans. They’re selfish. Well, not exactly selfish, but they’ve been groomed to believe they’re the best. They’re awesome. This is the generation that grew up with self-esteem boosting curriculum in the classroom, multiculturalism, and very attentive parents. This means that your copy needs to be highly-targeted, outlining benefits and features that relate specifically to them and make them feel, well †¦ special. They’re selfless. Again, not exactly. But they don’t always need personal incentives to support or buy something: social incentives count. That’s how American Apparel – which is known for paying their garment workers a living wage, well above the industry norm, and has branded themselves as Sweatshop Free – is able to sell plain-colored T-shirts for $20+. If your product is environmentally friendly, makes donations to a charitable cause, or is somehow productive beyond the product’s actual value, Millennials will eat it all up, so be sure to highlight any of these attributes in your copy. They’re fun-loving. They are, in fact, one of the busiest generations ever, having grown up with action-packed schedules that continue into their adult lives. But they look for things that are fun, funny, out of the ordinary, and eye catching when they want to take a break from the daily grind. So don’t be afraid to break the mold and grab their attention. Even nostalgia counts when it comes to Millennials: for example, see Canadian Club’s â€Å"Damn Right Your Dad Drank It† campaign. Aesthetics count. Think about the sleek design that made the iPhone so popular. No more cluttered, messy, mismatched, or boring marketing materials for these guys – they want a high-quality product that looks cool, too. Make sure that your copy is well-integrated with design in order to really get their tails wagging. Want a little more reading to get to know the Millennials? Try starting here: Forbes: â€Å"6 Things to Know About Marketing to Millennials MR Report: Marketing to Millennials

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Electrolux essays

Electrolux essays Nothing sucks like Electrolux. Most people get very surprised and somewhat interested in what it means when they see or hear this commercial slogan. To continue, this is a part of the popular advertisement of the vacuum-cleaner. The idea of this promotion is to tell consumers that no other appliance of this matter has more power or is better in effect than Electrolux. Moreover, this is a truly eye-catching device and a good market strategy that works for the company and opens new doors to its agents. However, every consumer needs to know a little more about the product than just what is seen on TV to be sure that he or she really wants to purchase it. That is why a logical question arises in a persons mind: Where and how to find out what the truth is. When one refers to the official company sources or web-sites, it can be clearly seen that this particular organization (Electrolux) is growing, developing, and expanding to the new international levels. First, a person gets impression that things are going great for the company and it has to mean that the basis for its success is the quality vacuum-cleaners and other items produced by Electrolux. After analyzing the above data one starts thinking that Electroluxs advertising is, probably, true and that its product is efficient and reliable. To continue, such thinking is reasonable because it is based on a real ground, which is the companys success... Nonetheless, the fact that overall the organization is performing well doesnt necessarily mean that the product is truthfully represented and its advertising is not biased. It is crucial to understand that the company tells its customers not the real information but the one that people want to hear, because the ultimate goal is to raise the sales. And, as a result, the tricky message is as follows: You like the power; well give you one. Nothing sucks like Electrolux&q...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Part time jobs Your ultimate guide to getting started

Part time jobs Your ultimate guide to getting started Here at TheJobNetwork, we focus a lot of time and attention on your search for a full-time job on a set career path. But sometimes the job you’re seeking, by necessity or by choice, is a shorter-term proposition. So we’ve got you covered there, too! If you’re looking for part-time opportunities as a side hustle or a flexible option so you can balance your work with other aspects of your life, we’ve got all the info you’ll need. Decide the type of job you want to get.For part-time jobs, you often need to start with a very specific idea of what you want- like a night job, a work-from-home job, or a side hustle. Your job search will really be focused and refined by your own goals and needs, so the first step is figuring out what kind of job you want. Are you cool with retail or food service, or does the idea of serving the general public give you hives? Do you want a night job so you can be home when the kids head off to school in the morning? There ar e lots of part-time opportunities out there, so it’s important to figure out which ones might work best for your needs and your schedule before we even get to things like applications and resumes.Everything You Need to Know About Having a Part-Time JobThe Best Part Time Jobs for Every Education Level7 Places to Look for Part-Time JobsSide Hustle: How to Make Money on the SideFind the job that fits in with your lifestyle.Are you a night owl? Whether you’re a vampire or just a night person, many part-time jobs call for late-night or overnight hours. If you think your lifestyle can accommodate a non-conventional schedule, you might want to consider looking at jobs catering to the night crowd.15 Great Part-Time Jobs for Night Owls10 Jobs Where You Can Work OvernightIf you’re a student and want to balance your job with a busy course load, a part-time job can help you pay the bills while you’re working on your studies.5 Great Part-Time Jobs for College Students Many part-time job seekers are parents looking for a way to balance work with home obligations. Not only do you need a gig that pays the bills, but it also has to be as flexible as possible and hopefully come with perks that help your family.Best Part-Time Jobs for Moms in 2017Top 12 High-Paying Part-Time Jobs with Good Work-Life Balance10 Companies That Offer Part-Time Jobs with BenefitsAnd while most of those â€Å"earn thousands of dollars every day working from home!† ads online are very often scams, there are also plenty of legit opportunities for people who want or need to work remotely.What Are Some Part-Time Jobs You Can Do from Home?7 Work from Home Jobs You NEED to AvoidMake big bucks while working part time.When thinking about a part-time gig, money is also going to be a concern. If you’re looking to maximize the dollar-to-hour ratio for your part-time job, there are some great options out there.These Part-Time Jobs Can Earn You $75K a Year9 Part-Time Jobs T hat Pay Very Well10 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs15 Part-Time Jobs That Pay More Than $40 Per Hour (And How to Get Them)21 Part-Time Jobs That Pay More Than $20 An HourYou Can Make at Least $20/Hour at These 10 Part-Time JobsDesign a professional resume that gets you noticed.Part-time jobs are often different from traditional full-time jobs- and the hiring process may be different too. But one thing doesn’t change: your resume needs to be rock solid. We’ve got the resume basics that apply no matter what kind of job you’re seeking.10 Things You Should Remove From Your Resume in 2017Resume Format Guide: What Your Resume Should Look Like in 20178 Warning Signs You Need to Update Your ResumeWhat Is the Best Format for a Resume?11 Steps to Writing the Perfect ResumeHow to Create a Resume Packed with Action WordsAce the interview process.The interview might be a little different from the routine, though. Part-time job interviews may not require you to put on a suit an d show up at an office- you might be asked to interview remotely, or in a more casual setting. Either way, it’s important to have the basics ready to go: a put-together interview look, strong body language, and anticipation of different kinds of questions.6 Part Time Job Interview Strategies You Must KnowAsk These 10 Questions to Impress Your Hiring ManagerThe Most Popular Macy’s Interview QuestionsHow to Look Like a Star in Any Job InterviewHow to Prepare for a Remote InterviewTurn part-time into full-time.After you’ve got your part-time job, it may be a stepping stone to a full-time gig. For that, you’ll need to strategize on how to make that jump.10 Ways to Turn Your Part-Time Job into a Full-Time One10 Tips for Turning Your Contract Job into a Permanent OneNo matter what your reasons may be for looking for a part-time job, we want to help you find (and get!) the right one for your skills, goals, and lifestyle. Good luck!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Examine the difficulties involved in making international GDP per head Essay

Examine the difficulties involved in making international GDP per head comparisons - Essay Example Substitute goods share similar type of effect on their demand and price (Sloman, Hinde and Garratt, 2010). For example, some countries use GDP per head while others use Gross National Product (GNP) per head. Within the economics context, both measures are used alternatively. Consequently, it will be very difficult to compare two economies in which one uses GDP per head while other employs GNP per head. Additionally, expenditure sources also hinder the process of carrying out an effective international GDP per head comparison. Many developed countries make expenditure on health, education and technology. On the other hand, developing countries prefer to spend on defence, security and other non-development sectors of economy. As a result, such difference also disallows a reasonable comparison between per head GDP of two international countries. Moreover, cost of living, particularly inflation, also makes it difficult to compare per head GDP of two countries. For example, Norway is known as the most expensive country because the rate of government taxes is considerably higher. On the other hand, small taxes are given in

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Children and Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Children and Homelessness - Essay Example For those infants that get born to a family in a state of homelessness, they may be affected by low birth weights, and this increase chance of premature death. Such a child may also fail to be immunized due to reduced healthcare access. According to Reynalds (2009), there are about 50 million children in the United States who may be said to be homeless. The author further asserts that in a majority of the states, plans that seek to cater for the plight of these homeless children appears to be quite inadequate. Homelessness has been said to come about due to a multitude of other issues that entails the abuse of drugs by a parent, alcohol, domestic violence, or even mental illness. As Raynald (2009) has noted, chances of a homeless child experiencing hunger are twice those of a child who is not faced with a similar situation. Compared to children from stable homes, their homeless counterparts have been shown to have a twelve fold likelihood of getting enrolled to foster care. Homelessness has been defined as "the condition and social category of people who lack housing, because they cannot afford (pay for), or are otherwise unable (Or uninterested) to maintain, regular, safe, and adequate shelter" (Levinson 2004). In addition, the term could also take into account individuals who often reside at a shelter for the homeless. Moreover, individual that have been housed in a given residence pending institutionalization may also be categorized as being homeless. The definition also takes into account individual that are living in a private or public place, and which has not been recognized as being "a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings" (Polakow & Cindy 2001). The Urban Development and Housing Department of the United States (HUD), has issued a definition for persons that may be considered as being "chronically homeless". According to the definition by HUD, an individual who is chronically homeless is one who may be afflicted with a condition that is disabling, has had the status of being homeless for over a period of one year, or one who has experienced that status of a homeless individual in at least four incidents for the last three years (Rollinson & Pardeck 2006). What happens when young people become homeless Young homeless children are more likely to be living apart from their parents. In an instance whereby a young child gets detached from its parents, and especially the mother the ensuing negative effects that they experience may be quite long-term this is especially critical, if the separation takes place at the formative stage of childhood development ( that is between one and five years). For the pre-school children, the status of being homeless may very well result in the developmental delays those children demonstrates. As Allen (2004) has noted, close to 75 percent of the homeless children who are below the age of five years exhibits at the very list a significant deviant developmental-wise, especially with regard to speech or impulsivity. Furthermore, homeless children have a higher likelihood of being afflicted with emotional problems. By and large, children who are homeless have a tendency to not only cry at the slightest provocation, they also papers to overreact should they

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Learning process in behaviour Essay Example for Free

Learning process in behaviour Essay Learning is a permanent change in behaviour caused by experience. The learner does not need to have the experience directly; we can also learn by observing others . It is an ongoing process. Our knowledge of the world is continually being revised as we are exposed to new stimuli and receiving ongoing feedback that allows us to modify our behaviour when we find ourselves in a similar position again Psychologists who have studied learning have developed advanced therories on the process of learning. Here we will discuss the two major approaches to learning; instrumental and classical conditioning. Classical Conditioning It occurs when a stimulus that elicits a response is paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit a response on its own. A Russian physiologist , Pavlov introduced classically conditioned learning by pairing a neutral stimulus ( a bell ) with a stimulus known to cause a salivation to dogs ( he squirted dry meat powder). The powder was an unconditioned stimulus because it was capable of causing the response. Over time, the dog has learned to associate the bell with its meat powder and begin to salivate at the sound of the bell only. The drooling of these canine consumers because of a sound now has a linked to feeding time, was a conditioned response ( CR ). This basic of classical conditioning applies to responses controlled by the autonomic and nervous systems. When these cues are consistently paired with a conditioned stimuli such as brand names, we as consumers may feel hungry, thirsty or aroused when later exposed to brand cues. Conditioning effects are more likely to occur after the (CS) conditioned and  unconditioned ( UCS ) stimuli have been paired a number of times. Repeated exposures increases the strength of stimulus-response associations and prevent the decay of these associations in memory. Many marketing strategies focus on the establishment of associations between stimuli and responses. Behavioural learning principal applies to many consumer phenomena, ranging from the creation of a distinctive brand image to the perceived linkage between a product and an underlying need. The transfer of meaning from an unconditioned stiulus to a conditioned stimulus explains why made-up brands like Marlboro, Coca-Cola or IBM can exert such powerful effects on consumers. Operant conditioning Over the years behaviourist have carried out operant principals out of the narrow world of the skinner box and into the wider room of society. The use of the operant techniques to help people change unwanted, dangerous, or self-defeating habits in real world settings is called behaviour modification ( applied behaviour analysis ) Behaviour modification has had enormous success, behaviorist have taught parents to toilet train their children in only a few sessions etc. as you can see from everyday world behaviour modificaton is not a science but an art. Operant Conditioning : process of applying the law of effect to control behaviour by manipulating its consequences. Law of effect: behaviour followed by pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated; behaviour followed by unpleasant consequences is not 4 basic reinforcement strategies is use in operant conditioning; positive reinforcement -negative reinforcement -punishment -extinction Positive reinforcement : the process by which people learn to perform acts leading to such desirable outcomes. Whatever behaviour led to the positive outcome is likely to occur again, thereby strengthening that behaviour by making a pleasant consequences contingent onto its occurrence. Negative reinforcement: Negative reinforcement is the process by which people learn to perform acts that lead to removal of undesired events or unpleasant consequence contingent onto its occurrence. Punishment: administrating of negative consequences or withdrawal of positive consequences that tend to reduce the likelihood of repeating the behaviour in similar settings Extinction: ceasation of previously established reinforcer that is maintaining a behaviour by removal of a pleasant consequence of its occurrence. Positive reinforcement can take many forms. One of the strongest is praise and recognition for the good work. It is good rewards management. It shifts the emphasis and energy of the manger towards a larger number of employees, rather than focus all the attention and time on poorer employees. If done correctly it can make all but the worst employees feel that the organization recognizes and appreciates their effort and contributions. If the desired behaviour is specific in nature and is difficult to achieve , a pattern if positive reinforcement called shaping can be used. Shaping is the creation of a new behaviour by the positive reinforcement of successive approximations leading to the desired behaviour. Negative reinforcement governs a good deal of our behaviour. Some people do  think that it is a reasonable way to manage people at work that is, employees who engage in undesirable behaviour should expect something to happen to them. But there are some difficulties with this approach. First it creates a tens environment ( difficult to work everyday where the main motivation is to prevent unpleasant outcomes ) secondly, relationships often deteriorates when superiors represent a constant threat to be avoided. There can be adverse side effects in using punishment. An action intended to punish may instead be reinforcing because it brings attention -the recepient of punishment often responds with anxiety ,fear or rage -the effectiveness of punishment is often temporay, depending heavily on the presense of the punishing person or circumstances -most misbehaviours is hard to punish immediately thus resutingin the reinforcement of the undesired behaviour -punishment conveys little info Extinction is important and quite commonly used. This strategy decreases the frequency of or weakens the behaviour . The behaviour is not unlearned; it simply is not exhibited. Since the behaviour is no longer reinforced, it will reappear when it is reinforced again. Whereas positive reinforcement seeks to establish and maintain desirable work behaviour, extinction on the other hand is intended to weaken and eliminate the undesirable behaviour Law of contingent reinforcement states for reward to have the maximum reinforcing value ; it must be delivered only if the desired behaviour is exhibited . Secondly, the law of immediate reinforcement states , the more immediate the delivery of a reward after the occurence of a desirable behaviour, the greater the reinforcing value of the reward. Timing of postiove reinforcement; a) the continuous reiforcemnt schedule administers a reqrd each tie a desired behaviour occurs b) b) an intermittent or patila reinforcement schedule rewars a behaviour only periodically. 4 varieties of partial reinforcement schedule a) Fixed interval schedules b)Variable interval schedules c)Fixed ratio schedules c) Variable ratio schedules In general , a mange can expect that the continuous reinforcement will draw a desired behaviour more quickly than will intermittent reinforcement Steps in positive reinforcement program; @identify specific behaviour that are to be changed; must be accurate and reliably observed and then recorded. Behaviour should be measurable and observable. @ determine the links between the target behaviour, its consequences and stimulus condition leading to the beaviour) @develop and set specific behaviour goals for each person and target behaviours @recording process toward the goal @apply appropriate consequences; rewards, punsihmnets,extinction

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates in AFrican Americans Essay

Cancer Incidence and Mortality of African Americans in Texas Cancer is a large classification of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Undetected and uncontrolled, it can ultimately result in death. Causes of cancer can be categorized into three factors: external (chemicals, tobacco smoke, radiation, viruses), internal (hormones, immune conditions, genetics) and lifestyle (tobacco and alcohol use, unprotected sun exposure, poor nutrition, physical inactivity). Many cancers can be cured if detected and treated promptly, and many others prevented by lifestyle changes. In 2004, it was estimated that more than 1.3 million people in the United States would be diagnosed with cancer. In Texas alone, it was estimated that approximately 85,000 individuals will be diagnosed with cancer in 2004, and another 37,000 will die from the disease (Table 1). Four cancer sites account for more than half of the cancer that affect Texans, lining up with the national incidences and mortality sites. These include lung and bronchus, colorectal, breast (female), and prostate cancer. Together these four sites account for approximately 41,900 new cases of cancer diagnosed and 16,900 cancer deaths in Texans. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and is expected to become the leading cause of death within the next decade. Cancer also is the second leading cause of death in Texas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While cancer affects all people, studies have shown that this disease does not subscribe to â€Å"equal opportunity† mandates; varied distributions appear when cases are tallied by gender, age, race and economic groups, usually to the disadvantage of the minority in each instance. In Texas, African American men are diagnosed with cancer in higher numbers in comparison to their Non-Hispanic White and Hispanic counterparts. The mortality rates are 1.5 times greater than Non-Hispanic Whites and 2.0 times more than Hispanic males in Texas for the top five sites (larynx, prostate, stomach, myeloma and oral cavity.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many factors that contribute to the increased cancer risk that African American men and women sustain. Three to be discussed further will be economic, social, and cultural. All three on their own are significant enough to separate the African American population by percenta... ...Pla has treated individuals for eating disorders and has noted that her white patients were more concerned with thinness, where her black patients were more eating and binging to feel better.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While health organizations are focusing their campaigns on the convenience and importance of cancer screening procedures, the African American population is still disproportionately suffering from cancer incidence and mortality. Not until early detection is common place will the numbers change, especially with the African American elderly population expected to increase by 160% over the next quarter of a century. Works Sited Texas: Cancer Facts & Figures 2004- American Cancer Society, Texas Division, 2004 Texas Department of Health, Cancer Registry Division. Average Annual Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates, Age-Adjusted (2000 U.S. population). 26 March 2005 National Cancer Institute. Cancer Health Disparities: Fact Sheet. April 21, 2002. 21 March 2005. United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast. Senior Reference Guide:Older African-Americans . 26 March 2005.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Newsletter About Solutions and Creating Exceptional Value Essay

High Impact Projects A Newsletter About Solutions and Creating Exceptional Value Software Company Narrows Focus from 1 Million Prospects to 40 – Closes 30 Sales in First Year! After 3 Years of Revenues Less than $2 Million, Sales Soar to $75 Million in 4 Years! Systems Produce Paybacks for Clients of more than 10-to-1 Stopped Trying to Sell to Information Technology Department – Found Line Executives With An Urgent Need to Buy CEO Found a Way to Reduce Risk and Capture Financial Upside A Repeatable Pattern Emerges Compiled by Tom Ingram, PMPi Before Jeff Miller took over as CEO, Documentum had suffered three years of flat revenues, never exceeding $2 million per year. After Miller took over, the next year’s sales increased to $8 million, followed by $25 million, $45 million, $75 million and an IPO in subsequent years. Granted, these were the boom years – but this success story carries some essential lessons which I have seen work in several other settings over the years. Below is a summary of these key lessons from several sources, including a Harvard Business School case study. None of this is easy. Documentum went through a period when it was burning $1 million per quarter, with only $4 million in cash reserve, and only two new customers. Success in the intangible, â€Å"black magic† world of software is difficult, and my hope is that you can take some useful lessons away from this summary. Following are some of the things that worked for them. Narrowed Their Focus from â€Å"everyone in the world that touches complex documents† to a â€Å"rifle shot.† Documentum chose to focus initially on the regulatory affairs departments of Fortune 500 pharmaceutical companies. This narrowed their universe of prospects from some 500,000 to only 40 companies worldwide. Urgent Need to Buy: Documentum was able to identify buyers in extreme pain due to the regulatory paperwork requirements for submitting new drugs for approval. They focused on finding prospects that were in a situation where (1) regulatory requirements created much pain, (2) prospects demanded a solution and (3) the solution could represent a significant competitive advantage. Documentum closed 30 out of 40 initial target prospects in the first year! Help for Struggling Software Companies 972-394-5736 Newsletter #25 July 2004 Page 1 TOM INGRAM & ASSOCIATES, Inc. Huge Payback for Customer Every day that was saved in drug approval application time resulted in a $1 million incremental profit for Documentum’s clients. The system reduced drug approval application time from 1 year to approximately six months. Average profit per day of $1 million times 128 days saved = $128 million in incremental profits per drug application. A typical system might cost $4 Million – Resulting in a 32-fold Payback! Target Buyer: Documentum discovered that their target buyer was not the Information Technology (IT) department! IT departments are often happy with the status quo – while line executives are not. They also discovered that executives and department managers were really the ones that drove the priorities for IT. Documentum stopped trying to sell to IT department buyers and focused on line executives with a problem and a budget. I will add that I have seen this to be true in dozens, if not hundreds, of instances in my 24 years in the technology and software business. The boom times of the ‘90s were a slight exception to this rule. The IT department was buying a great deal, and companies got used to   selling to the IT department. When reality came crashing down upon us, and the techbubble burst in the early 2000’s, this aberration disappeared. I will note that this is an   extremely difficult shift for companies to make because their sales force, including sales executives, and even the CEO, often have experience only selling to the IT department – they have no skills, credibility or capacity to sell to line executives. Picking the Initial Target Niche: One of the key issues in picking the initial target niche is the size of payback to the customer. By focusing on the area which your customer has the greatest payback, they have the most to gain economically from purchasing from you quickly. Assuming you can consistently deliver this payback, it is much easier to get Niche 2, Niche 3 and Niche 4 going after you have a strong set of happy customers behind you. Subsequent Niches: After Documentum’s initial success in the regulatory affairs department, they spread to other niches in every department within pharmaceutical companies. (regulated chemicals, oil refineries, etc.) This included a big win in the document management area for oil and gas exploration and production companies, where Documentum helped them manage the property/lease/royalty paperwork. This approach is often called the bowling pin model, because you set up the initial niche as a â€Å"headpin†, knock it down and that makes it substantially easier to â€Å"knock down the following pins†. This approach also helps you keep a controlled risk (or cash burn rate) by requiring the software company to demonstrate that it can find and close customers with an urgent need to buy, one niche at a time. Changes to Software Product Offered: Note that Documentum had the discipline to stay focused on the needs of very tightly defined sets of customers. They started in the regulatory affairs departments of pharmaceutical companies, and slowly spread, niche-by-niche (bowling pin-by-bowling pin)   to other departments and other industries. It is critical to recognize that Documentum invested its precious cash in software product enhancements only for these customers. The Harvard Business Review Case highlights a particular situation where Documentum declined a $2 million order because it would have required them to make Help for Struggling Software Companies 972-394-5736 Newsletter #25 July 2004

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Non Verbal

I have sent the following communication to my professionals through a observe and shown on the observe board: â€Å"Coming Second Weekend to complete our objectives or the month a evaluation conference is organized and all should be present at. If any professional Is not able to be present at should find out the material of the conference from their colleagues without fall†. But my communication went wrong and out of 10 professionals, only three professionals have joined at 4. 0 PM who checked-in with me plenty of duration of the conference. Following were the limitations of communication which was standing in the way of my communication: The â€Å"Channel† I have selected communication by â€Å"Receivers† did not make sure the invoice of the communication was missing the â€Å"Chronological context† The second Weekend being a non working day. The communication has designed a â€Å"Psychological noise† by not referring to perfect duration of the con ference and misunderstandings have been designed.The â€Å"social context† also is one of the causes for the failing of the communication as I have not taken all my professionals into assured by providing any enhance information or a objective of the conference previously. Lessons learned in order to get over these limitations of communication: My communication was uncertain by not providing actual duration of conference. The press I have used Is he putting the observe on the observe panel, Instead had I distributed to all the devices and acquired their signatures by asking their accessibility or reviews my communication would not didn't work.I have selected a wrong day a holiday though the process was a schedule one. I could have managed good interaction with my professionals for success of my communication. Overcome the communication limitations when you deliver a concept, you plan to connect significance, but the concept Itself does not contain significance. The significan ce prevails In your thoughts and In the brain of your recipient. To comprehend one another, you and our recipient must discuss similar explanations for terms, actions, style, and other signs. . Variations In perception The globe regularly bombards us with Information: attractions, appears to be, fragrances, and so on. Our thoughts arrange this flow of feeling Into a psychological map that symbolizes our knowing or truth. In no case is the knowing of a certain individual the same as the globe itself, and no two charts are similar. As you perspective the globe, your thoughts takes up your encounters in a exclusive and personal way.Because your views are exclusive, the concepts you want to show vary room other Individuals' Even when two individuals have knowledgeable the same occasion, their psychological pictures of that occasion will not be similar. As senders, the most appropriate and common, a process known as particular knowing. As devices, we try to fit new information into our c urrent design. If a details does not quite fit, we are more likely to change the important points rather than change the design. 2.Incorrect filtering Filtering is testing out before a concept is approved on to someone else. In business, the filtration between you and your recipient are many; staff, staff, receptionists, espousing to devices, etc. Those same gatekeepers may also translate' your receiver's concepts and reactions before moving them on to you. To get over filtration limitations, try to set up more than one communication route, remove as many intermediaries as possible, and reduce distortions by condensing concept information to the simple requirements. . Terminology problems When you select the terms for your concept, you indication that you are a participant of a particular lifestyle or sub-culture and that you know the rule. The characteristics of your rule enforce its own limitations on your concept. Barriers also are available because terms can be considered in mor e than one way. Terminology is an irrelevant rule that relies on distributed explanations, but there happens to be restrict to how completely any of us discuss the same significance for a given term.To get over language limitations, use the most specific and precise terms possible. Always try to use terms your viewers will comprehend. Increase the precision of your information by using language that explains rather than analyze and by introducing visible information, activities, and conditions. 4. Inadequate listening Perhaps the most common hurdle to wedding celebration is merely a lack of interest on the receiver's part. We all let our thoughts walk now and then, regardless of how hard we try to concentrate.Everyone is basically likely to get to sleep when they are compelled to pay attention to information that is obscure or that has little immediate keeping on their own lifestyles. Too few of us basically do not pay interest well! To get over limitations, paraphrase what you have recognized, try to perspective the problem through the sight of other sound system and avoid moving to results. Explain significance by asking non-threatening questions, and pay interest without disturbing. 5.Varying psychological states Every concept contains both a content significance, which offers with the topic of the concept, and a connection significance, which indicates the characteristics of the interaction between e-mailer and recipient. Connections can break down when the recipient responds adversely to either of these explanations. You may have to deal with individuals when they are disappointed or when you are. An disappointed individual tends to neglect or change what the other individual is saying and is often incapable to present feelings and concepts successfully.This is not to say that you should prevent all communication when you are psychologically engaged, but you should be mindful of the higher prospective for misconception that comes with turned on feelings. To get over psychological limitations, be aware of the feelings that occur in yourself and in others as you connect, and make an effort to control them. Most essential, be mindful of the higher prospective for misconception that comes Differences in qualifications can be one of the toughest communication limitations to get over.Age, knowledge, sex, social position, financial position, social qualifications, disposition, health, elegance, reputation, religious beliefs, governmental perception, even a moving feelings can all individual one individual from another and make knowing challenging. To get over the limitations associated with differing background scenes, prevent predicting your own qualifications or lifestyle onto others. Explain your own and comprehend the qualifications of others, areas of knowledge, individualistic and views and do not believe that certain actions mean the same thing to everyone.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

pH, pKa, and the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation

pH, pKa, and the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation The  pH  is  a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in an aqueous solution. pKa (acid dissociation constant) is related, but more specific, in that it helps you predict what a molecule will do at a specific pH. Essentially, pKa tells you what the pH needs to be in order for a chemical species to donate or accept a proton. The  Henderson-Hasselbalch equation describes the relationship between pH and pKa. pH and pKa Once you have pH or pKa values, you know certain things about a solution and how it compares with other solutions: The lower the pH, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, [H]. The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid and the greater its ability to donate protons.pH depends on the concentration of the solution. This is important because it means a weak acid could actually have a lower pH than a diluted strong acid. For example, concentrated vinegar (acetic acid, which is a weak acid) could have a lower pH than a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid (a strong acid). On the other hand, the pKa value is a constant for each type of molecule. It is unaffected by concentration.Even a chemical ordinarily considered a base can have a pKa value because the terms acids and bases simply refer to whether a species will give up protons (acid) or remove them (base). For example, if you have a base Y with a pKa of 13, it will accept protons and form YH, but when the pH exceeds 13, YH will be deprotonated and become Y. Because Y removes protons at a pH greater than the pH of neutral water (7), it is cons idered a base. Relating pH and pKa With the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation If you know either pH or pKa you can solve for the other value using an approximation called the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation: pH pKa   log ([conjugate base]/[weak acid])pH pkalog ([A-]/[HA]) pH is the sum of the pKa value and the log of the concentration of the conjugate base divided by the concentration of the weak acid. At half the equivalence point: pH pKa Its worth noting sometimes this equation is written for the Ka value rather than pKa, so you should know the relationship:   pKa -logKa Assumptions That Are Made for the Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation The reason the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is an approximation is because it takes water chemistry out of the equation. This works when water is the solvent and is present in a very large proportion to the [H] and acid/conjugate base. You shouldnt try to apply the approximation for concentrated solutions. Use the approximation only when the following conditions are met: −1  Ã‚  log ([A−]/[HA])  Ã‚  1Molarity of buffers should be 100x greater than that of the acid ionization constant Ka.Only use strong acids or strong bases if the pKa values fall between 5 and 9. Example pKa and pH Problem Find [H] for a solution of 0.225 M NaNO2 and 1.0 M HNO2. The Ka value (from a table) of HNO2 is 5.6 x 10-4. pKa  Ã‚  Ã¢Ë†â€™log  Ka  Ã‚  Ã¢Ë†â€™log(7.4Ãâ€"10−4)  Ã‚  3.14 pH pka log ([A-]/[HA]) pH  Ã‚  pKa  Ã‚  log([NO2-]/[HNO2]) pH  Ã‚  3.14  Ã‚  log(1/0.225) pH  Ã‚  3.14  Ã‚  0.648  Ã‚  3.788 [H]  Ã‚  10−pH  Ã‚  10−3.788  Ã‚  1.6Ãâ€"10−4 pH, pKa, and Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation Key Takeaways The pka is the pH value at which a chemical species will accept or donate a proton.The lower the pKa, the stronger the acid and the greater the ability to donate a proton in aqueous solution.The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation relates pKa and pH. However, it is only an approximation and should not be used for concentrated solutions or for extremely low pH acids or high pH bases. Sources de Levie, Robert. (2003). The Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. J. Chem. Educ. 80 (2): 146. doi:10.1021/ed080p146Hasselbalch, K. A. (1917). Die Berechnung der Wasserstoffzahl des Blutes aus der freien und gebundenen Kohlensure desselben, und die Sauerstoffbindung des Blutes als Funktion der Wasserstoffzahl. Biochemische Zeitschrift. 78: 112–144.Lawrence J. Henderson (1 May 1908). Concerning the relationship between the strength of acids and their capacity to preserve neutrality (Abstract). Am. J. Physiol. 21 (4): 173–179.Po, Henry N.; Senozan, N. M. (2001). Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation: Its History and Limitations. J. Chem. Educ. 78 (11): 1499–1503. doi:10.1021/ed078p1499

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Causes And Effects Of Brain Drain In Economics

Causes And Effects Of Brain Drain In Economics Introduction: According to a definition, ‘Brain Drain’, academically also known as the â€Å"human capital flight† is the large scale migration of highly educated, skilled and talented people of less economically advanced countries to highly rich and developed countries of the world due to conflicted issues, political instability and lack of opportunities in the developing countries. Globally, relocation of intellectuals is as old as mankind. This terminology of Brain Drain originated in 1960, when most of the intellectuals like scientists and engineers who were the real assets or the future of any country, emigrated from United Kingdom to America. The unsolved issue of Brain Drain is happening all over the world for the sake of better working conditions including, the island nations of the Caribbean, the anterior colonies of Africa and mostly in federal economies like the Soviet Union previous Eastern Germany, where aptitudes were not monetarily salaried. This p henomena was not as severe till 1960’s but with the huge capacity lopsidedly migrate to West Germany and North America from less developed regions. Substantial exoduses of skilled people were apparent at altered epochs of the economic growth of the countries of Europe and North America. However, with the progress in science and technological fields, only the intellectuals and highly qualified brains was of extraordinary mandate in highly developed countries. With the deficit in the core stream, the developed countries had to be dependent on the LDC’s. Professionals migrated from developing countries to three Developing countries (USA, Canada and United Kingdom) in 1960’s and by 1970’s, the figure had mounted. If one were to investigate statistics of all Developed Countries, the records would be alarming. This drift has continued in Africa and loss of huge qualified manpower is happen immigrations to Europe and North America annually. The questions that is arise in the social, political, economic, academic and probably in every sector of developing world. According to question the phenomena happened there are countless questions, but I want to explain the main attractions towards the developed world and why do talented and outstanding brains leave their countries? What are the costs of such migrations paid by developing countries? What policies can be implemented to stem such movements from LDCs to DCs? The goal of this paper is to highlight the unsolved, conflicted issue of Brain Drain and the Scientific Diaspora and the cause and effect relationship in the global knowledge based societies and also to address the cancerous disease directing the developing countries to failure. I will highlight some major questions, giving some suggestions which help to make policies to fade the disparities and the exploitation of skilled and semi-skilled labour in the developed world who themselves benefited to create the legislative crime of Brain drain and to hijack the rights of Cos in the shape of Scientific diaspora communities. How and when Brain Drain happens and intensifies Since the beginning of 1960s, the phenomena of brain drain became a highlighted and critical issue. With the neo-liberal economy and the tsunami wave of globalization has given a golden chance to the opportunists and played a vital role towards better and quality life including all accessories in every sphere of life. Globalization has opened a window for the human capital to agglomerate and mobilize where the brain extract and yet best recognized and rewarded in the highly economically strong and advanced countries.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Maritime Security Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Maritime Security Studies - Essay Example This paper shall be discussed based on expert opinions by theorists and practitioners in the international and political arena. This study is being carried out with the hope of establishing a clear and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, as it applies in the contemporary context. This study sets forth that marine terrorism in its most general context is not on the decline. However, the international community has consistently established better ways of dealing with marine terrorism. For which reason, marine terrorists have not been getting away with their activities as they have in the past. This has not stopped them however in perpetuating their terrorist activities. The Working Group of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific has set forth the most complete definition for marine terrorism. They set forth that marine terrorism is â€Å"the undertaking of terrorist acts and activities within the maritime environment, using or against vessels or fixed platforms at sea or port, or against any of their passengers or personnel, against coastal facilities or settlements, including tourist resorts, port areas and port towns or cities† (as cited by Marine Terrorism Research Center, 2011). In addition, it is also defined as the â€Å"use of threat or violence against a ship, its passengers or sailors, a port facility, or if the purpose of solely a platform for political ends† (Marine Terrorism Research Center, 2011). It is an act which is based on political ideals and goals. Various acts of maritime terrorism have been seen in different parts of the globe. Off the coast of Somalia, acts of piracy have increased the cost of transporting goods in the Gulf of Aden (Shortland and Vothknecht, 2011). A greater issue in the Gulf of Aden however is that of international security and regional stability as Somali piracy might be used to transport weapons or