Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Medicinal Militarization

List of chapters Introduction Kinds of Militarization Militarizing the Body Militarizing the Population Militarizing the Inner Space Conclusion References Introduction Triumph of the Will is one of the most punctual promulgation firms that were created in 1935 by Leni Riefenstahl. It is an annal of the Nazi Party Congress in 1934, which occurred in Nuremberg in Germany. As per Foucault (2012), the film was viewed as a conscious endeavor by the Nazi government to control the German culture by making a portion of their promulgation be acceptable.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Medicinal Militarization †Triumph of the Will explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Adolf Hitler had recently assumed control over the administration of the nation in the earlier year, and because of his yearning nature, he was enthused about embedding the statement of the Nazi Party. The talks given by Adolf Hitler, his senior military officers, and senior individual s from the gathering demonstrate the longing to increase outright power. Adolf Hitler was chosen for the workplace through a majority rule vote. In any case, the film presents him as a military chief who is enthusiastic about rethinking his situation as both a military and regular citizen ruler. The announcement by Hitler that Nazi gathering and state is an away from of the enthusiasm of an equitably chosen pioneer for utilize total force with the assistance of the military device. In this paper, the analyst targets recognizing the kinds of militarization as introduced in this force. Sorts of Militarization In this film, there is a purposeful endeavor by the political administration of this nation to mobilize the general public. As per Orr (2009), the Triumph of the Will is probably the best film that show the desire of Adolf Hitler past the outskirts of Germany. This researcher says that the film presents different sorts of militarization at different stages. Mobilizing the Body Mi litarization of the body is introduced at beginning periods of the movies by the pseudo-military drills. Adolf Hitler is introduced as the hero of this general public, and for him to spare the general public he needs the administrations of the physically fit men who could take part in military fights. Through his motivation, youngsters are believed to join the military and take part in military bores in status to serve their nation. As appeared in this film, it is preposterous to expect to win a war without appropriate planning. The volunteers are taken through beginning times of military preparing where they attempt to become familiar with the nuts and bolts about military. They figure out how to utilize weapons while in the war zone. Given that they are not prepared troopers, they use spades as images of firearms that they will utilize when they take part in fighting. The genuine militarization of the body is seen on the third day of the film. At this stage, it is clear that the primary subject in the film is the way to prepare the Germans for a potential flare-up of war. On this day, Adolf Hitler begins his morning exercises by tending to adolescents in aggressive terms and advising them that they need to solidify themselves in availability for war.Advertising Looking for article on history? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A military pass and the heavily clad vehicles with exceptionally gifted military officials show the exertion that the Nazi Party needed to guarantee that the focused on bunch had all the military trainings. Militarization of the body is best shown when an enormous number of young people join the military preparing camps to figure out how to utilize different types of firearms and other substantial ordnance. The preparation includes suffering torment and spending extended periods in the field figuring out how to take part in a fight. The conviction of the coaches and students plain ly alludes to a potential objective that ought to be assaulted once the military preparing was fruitful. Mobilizing the Population According to Maguire (2010), despite the fact that Adolf Hitler was one of the world’s most exceedingly terrible tyrants, he realized that genuine force lies with the individuals. He was, in this manner, enthused about drawing in the populace in the entirety of his aggressive exercises. This is found in this film when he connects effectively with the general population. More than 700,000 individuals go to the main open gathering that is composed for Hitler. The vast majority of these individuals are adolescents who are not satisfied by the present situation in this nation. They have gone to the social occasion trusting that the new pioneer will carry an enduring answer for the issue. Hitler exploits this exclusive standard to offer an answer that is battle ready in nature. He overlooks the chance of tending to the issues that Germany has with the worldwide network through exchange. Rather, he hands over the obligation of freeing Germany to Germans themselves. Militarization of the populace begins when Hitler puts forth an effective attempt to join the Germans against what he portrays as a shared adversary. His capacity to summon feelings and to cause his crowd to build up an inclination that they have a typical predetermination assumes a significant job in the militarization of populace. This film exhibits that Hitler and the Nazi party were enthused about having an assembled populace that is prepared for war before taking part in any battle ready endeavor. In his talks, Hitler accuses individuals he alludes to as double crossers for neglecting to make progress in the World War 1. He doesn't preclude the chance of a whole new World War, yet he is excited about guaranteeing that this opportunity round Germany comes out as the champ, not at all like in the past events. To do this, it is exhibited in the film that he needs th e populace. This populace could possibly do battle in the event that they are mobilized. This militarization is the thing that Adolf Hitler was enthused about doing as appeared in this film.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Medicinal Militarization †Triumph of the Will explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Militarizing the Inner Space This film best shows the militarization of the inward space. When Adolf Hitler came to control, German was under an overwhelming yolk put on it by the worldwide network when it was blamed for causing the First World War. The general public was not content with this decision, however they had no alternative other than paying the fine. Adolf Hitler came to control through an overwhelming desire that he would change the situation to improve things. In this film, Adolf Hitler is exhibited as a pioneer who was resolved to meet the desires for the general public and convey them from the yolk set on it by the global soci ety. As appeared in this film, conveying the country wasn't possible through a tranquil commitment. The past pioneers had attempted this methodology yet fizzled. The time had come to utilize different other options, and to Hitler, military commitment was the main way out of this issue. Nonetheless, captivating in a war was not a basic undertaking of requesting warriors to the front line. Prior to heading off to the war, there was a need to get the help of the general public. The German individuals needed to build up an inclination to go to the war for freeing the nation. This must be accomplished through propaganda. Militarization of the brain begins the third day of the film at an adolescent assembly that is gone to by Hitler and his top gathering authorities. The gathering authorities are permitted to draw in the young people in a conversation on how the nation can be freed. These authorities are condemning of the present issues of the nation, and portray Adolf Hitler being the main conceivable friend in need that could address the issue for the general public. They set up a premise whereupon Hitler can base is publicity to the young people. Sufficiently genuine, Hitler comes out to deliver the adolescent assembled to meet the German ‘savior’. The ‘savior’ takes advantage of this lucky break to mobilize the brains of the adolescent at this convention. He relates the enduring that Germans need to experience in light of the frightful initiative that represented the nation before him. He tells the adolescent that the nation is being treated as a Third World Country by countries that couldn't coordinate its military abilities. He at that point tells the young that the arrangement lies on them. They needed to state to the present situation. He lets them know of the predominance of the German race that is being stomped on upon by more vulnerable countries basically in light of the fact that the nation was not all set to war. The messa ge of Adolf Hitler to a crowd of people of around 700,000 individuals appears to create genuine effects among his crowd, particularly the young people (Latour, 2012). Hitler was enthusiastic about inciting their emotions.Advertising Searching for paper on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More He tells the crowd how better the Germans are than whatever other race that exists on the planet. Hitler is exceptionally energetic about his message to the Germans. He tells the social event that a period had come to free the country. He says that the force rests with the individuals, and the adolescents needed to settle on a choice about what they need in their own general public. Hitler realized that militarization of the brain was the best methodology that he could use to urge the Germans to plan for another war that will assist it with freeing itself from the weight set on it by the League of Nations. The cheers from his crowd and the sort of responses from the adolescent obviously exhibit the he prevailing with regards to mobilizing the brains of his crowd. He caught their internal space, and evoked a compelling impulse to do battle. He caused them to feel that they could without much of a stretch success a war on the off chance that they stayed engaged and resolved to this cou rse. He satisfied the hopes of a genuine rescuer who came to free his kin (Lande, 2011). The general public had faith in him, and was resolved to stroll with him on the way towards freedom. End Triumph of the Will is one of the German’s most punctual purposeful publicity films. The film depicts Adolf Hitler, through is Nazi

Saturday, August 22, 2020

English Language and Tourist Satisfaction

English Language and Tourist Satisfaction The travel industry over the most recent two decades grew altogether in Malaysia. Malaysia has gotten 24.6 million sightseers from everywhere throughout the world in the year 2010, (Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen, Tourism Minister of Malaysia) and in a report led by WTO, Kuala Lumpur( the capital city of Malaysia), was among the best 10 Most visited urban communities by number of global guests in 2010. All nations are searching for approaches to pull in more sightseers. Along these lines, visitor fulfillment has been a need subject of research as of late. Understanding what drives fulfillment for a traveler is one of the most applicable regions of research (Prebensen, 2006), as fulfilled sightseers will in general transmit their positive encounters to other people and to rehash their visit (Alã ©n, Rodrã ­guez Fraiz, 2007) In spite of the fact that there are numerous meanings of fulfillment, Reichel (1978) characterizes traveler fulfillment as the aftereffect of correlation between a voyagers involvement with the goal visited and the assumption regarding the goal. As per Feng (2007) ), fulfillment is one of the most significant factors while examining visitor conduct, as it impacts the decision of goal, the utilization of items and administrations, and the choice to return. Numerous elements are associated with creation of a nation a vacationer favored goal. Both the administration and the private parts must work connected at the hip. The individuals in the bleeding edge must be fit for causing the guests to feel that they have picked the correct get-away goal. Consequently the accentuation on language capability is reasonable. Language not exclusively is a methods for setting up a correspondence yet additionally is a device for cultivating connections. There are in any event 1400 million individuals who live in nations that English has an official status, so it isn't astonishing that one out of five part of the number of inhabitants on the planet communicate in English at the degree of skill and the rest are still popular of learning this language ( David Graddol, 1997) As per Malaysias Government official site, 54366 guests showed up from Europe from January to September 2011, 14725 guests from North America and 21445 guests from Oceania (Australia-New Zealand). The vast majority of these explorers primary language is English and there are Asian and African travelers, who perceive English as the Language of the world. On the off chance that these travelers can convey in their mom language or whatever other language which has more utilization, they can feel comfortable in those goal nations. It gives them certainty and causes them to feel safe, bringing about expanded degrees of fulfillment. 1.1 Statement of the issue As it referenced, a significant part in the travel industry is vacationers fulfillment. The degree of voyagers fulfillment assumes a famous job in advancing the picture of the nation as a top the travel industry spot. Numerous explores uncovers that the degree of vacationer fulfillment with a specific outing is the consequence of various variables (Peter Olson, 1996) which are for the most part evaluated as an examination between the voyagers view of the items and administrations he gets and the desires produced previously and during his outing (Barsky Labagh, 1992). The Hotel Industry includes a significant piece of the Tourism industry.The accommodation industry has a principle objective which is: to give necessarry or wanted items and administrations to travelers.Tourists don't simply desire the offices and attractions. They need to be dealt with right and well. That is the reason a decent order of English language is constantly viewed as a benefit for staffs working in the travel industry uniquely in the lodging business. The significance of English is obvious since for such a significant number of years English is considered as the most significant mode of correspondence of the world generally.It is the language of intensity, esteem and achievement . This language as a worldwide language can open entryways all through the world ( Philipsson, 1996) Despite the fact that Malaysia has two authority dialects, English and Malay, our emphasis is on English on the grounds that most guests don't speak Bahasa Melayu, the national language.Most Malaysian inhabitants, who communicate in English, talk it as a second language however numerous travel industry collaborations happen in English. Various examinations have been completed to gauge the level of traveler fulfillment, yet not many papers have concentrated on dissecting the potential connections that this variable has with use of English language by the travel industry staff. Subsequently, the fundamental point of this paper is to address if English language capability of the staffs working in the lodging business has any effect fair and square of sightseers fulfillment with inns in Malaysia or not. 1.2 Research question Whatever broaden English language capability of the lodging staffs can raise the degree of the travelers fulfillment in Malaysia. 1.3 Objective of the examination To look at whether the English language capability of the staffs working in the inn business can change the degree of vacationers fulfillment in Malaysia. Section 2 : Literature Review 2.1 Importance of Tourism The travel industry is a main thrust for financial development in Malaysia. The travel industry makes work open doors for Malaysian inhabitants and carries cash into the economy. The travel industry in Malaysia makes high impacts in the economy of this nation just as creating solidarity and national coordination (Gom , 1991) On the off chance that travel industry development in Malaysia proceeds, it could push forward the countrys motor of development which is fabricating segment. Worldwide the travel industry can bring high measure of income. This earned income has a significant job in creating Malaysias economy (Sadi and Batels 1997) The travel Industry has helped Malaysia in building up its personal satisfaction and its financial status. A proof of that is the upward pattern of the travel industry and lodging industry in Malaysia until 1997 (Poon Low 2005) . Today this industry is encountering a year to year development in outside trade profit. In the multi decade government put loads of endeavors to build up a few destinations, for example, becoming the winning from outside trade , expanding the quantity of livelihoods and the degree of their pay, creating provincial zones and expanding income made by the administration (Khalifah and Tahir 1997). From the travel industry receipts (the travel industry income) commitment, there exists a consistent development. For instance, the travel industry receipts expanded from RM17.40 billion of every 2000 to RM24.20 billion per year later and afterward expanded further to RM25.80 billion (2002), RM29.7 billion (2004) and RM32.00 billion out of 2005. In 2006 Malaysia got RM36.3 billion (USD10.4 billion) in the travel industry receipts. (The Financial Express 2007). An aggregate of 24.6 million vacationers showed up in Malaysia and burned through RM56.5 billion out of 2010 contrasted and 23.6 million travelers burned through RM53.4 billion of every 2009. The travel industry is the second biggest industry in the nation subsequent to assembling and has been developing since 2000 with global appearances expanding by 9% every year. (New Straits Times 2011) The travel industry in Malaysia is a significant remote trade worker, adding to financial development, drawing in speculations and giving business. The focal point of the administration is to upgrade the countrys position as a main outside visitor goal, while advancing household the travel industry. (The Malaysia Governments Official Portal 2012). 2.1.1 Importance of Hotels The lodging business in Malaysia is growing quickly because of the expansion of remote visitor. The travel industry measurements of Malaysia has recorded MYR49.6 billion (about USD14.2 billion) procuring from sightseers in 2008, with 31.2% of the absolute visitor uses originating from movement facilities (Euromonitor International, 2009). Without a dubt one of the principle segments that will set sightseers feeling positive and furthermore influence their fulfillment is Accommodation.(Ekiz, 2009) .Here, friendliness foundations as a rule and lavish inns, is archived well to be very important.(Heung and Lam, 2003). Malaysian lodgings suited 68,886,154 visitors in 2008 and had a normal inhabitance pace of 66%. The quantity of rooms provided during 2008 expanded by 3.4% (aggregate of 165,739 rooms), while the quantity of lodgings expanded by 0.6% (complete inns 2,373) when contrasted with 2007 information.( Malaysia Statistics) As per Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (2010) an aggregate of 61,363,396 lodging visitors were facilitated in 2009, comparing 60.9% inhabitance rate. Inns and eateries alone gave work to 1.7 million individuals, proportional to 16% of the all out work in 2009 (Economic Planning Unit, 2010). Structure the information referenced above obviously the normal inhabitance rate in Malaysia lodging industry is huge even in the years 2008 and 2009 that the world was encountering a downturn period. Because of the economy recuperating , it is normal that this industry will confront a solid development in the quantity of voyagers and inhabitance rates .It ought to be referenced that ,the development of this industry significantly affects other related exercises ,as well. Food and refreshment, amusement and furthermore shopping in Malaysia are a portion of those other activities.(Poon and Low 2005) 2.2 Tourists Satisfaction Oliver (1981) claims that traveler fulfillment can be viewed as a voyagers post-buy assessment of the goal. In numerous examinations, fulfillment is recognized as a precursor of unwaveringness ( Kozak, 2001; Jang Feng,2006). In spite of the fact that Oppermann (2000) states that reviews on visitor fulfillment and goal dedication have not been completely explored, Chi and Qu (2008, p. 624) guarantee that consumer loyalty has consistently been viewed as a fundamental business objective since it was accepted that fulfilled client would purchase more. In spite of the fact that estimating traveler fulfillment isn't straightforward, a few investigations have been led to inspect the impact of consumer loyalty on unwaveringness (Gummesson, 1993; Anderson and Fornell, 1994; Um et al., 2006;

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Were closing early today and will be back on January 2, 2019! COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Were closing early today and will be back on January 2, 2019! COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid is closing early today at 2:30pm for the Christmas holidays. Our office will be closed through next week and back open on January 2, 2019, at 9am ET. Don’t forget, our general deadline, with SIPA fellowship aid consideration, is at 11:59 PM ET on January 5th. The video essay is only available after you submit your application and pay the application fee, and will appear in your Applicant Status page once those steps are completed. I hope you can find some downtime during the holidays to work towards completing the application. (I truly mean this every year we see that people do everything in the application up until the video essay. Theyre just two minutes from being done with completing it, which is so frustrating!) We really do look forward to reading your applications. Until then, all of us at SIPA Admissions wish you happy holidays, a fantastic 2019, and best of luck with all of your end-of-the-year activities. P.S. Columbia University is exceptionally pretty in the winter! Follow @columbia.sipa on Instagram for more beautiful photos and some 2018 highlights.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Similarities Between Marco Polo And Charlemagne - 1594 Words

Marco Polo and Charlemagne have a few similarities and many differences on their expertise and achievements during the medieval period. Both figures have different perspectives of life because of their role in society because Marco is a traveler from Venice, Italy that has had journeys everywhere throughout Europe to Asia. Whereas, Charlemagne (Charles the Great) is a conqueror that established the Carolingian empire and attempted to rebuild the â€Å"Roman† empire. Even though both figures had different perspectives because of their role in society they both spread their ideas to others that they met either in their journeys or when they were conquering the land. Charlemagne tried to convert people to the idea of Christianity when he conquered†¦show more content†¦His mother died around the age of 15 and he lived with an uncle and by the time his father came back from the journey he had already learned numerous merchant skills that his father has possessed. At the ag e of 17 he went on his first journey to Asia. In 1269, they were on a diplomatic mission to the court of Kublai Khan, where the Mongol leader Genghis Khan expressed his interest in Christianity and asked them to come again yet, this time to bring 100 priests and a collection of holy water with them. Even though they were unable to fulfill that mission later the Kublai Khan employed Marco as a special envoy and soon they promoted him and appointed him as an official of the Privy Council. This is where he discovered so much about China, the Mongol Empire and the Kublai Khan and his knowledge of being a traveler grew since he did come from a family that traveled so much he ended up becoming a traveler and learning many of the necessary skills to become a traveler at an early age. The knowledge he knew from a kid and the kickstart of his career as a traveler led him to accomplish the expansion of trade routes including the Silk Road and made him a wealthy merchant and inspire explorers around Europe and elsewhere. Whereas, Charlemagne was one of the Medieval Europe’s famous king. In 768 CE at the age of 26 he became king of the

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Womans Civil Right - 1308 Words

A Women’s Civil Right The speech †A Women’s Civil Right† was written in 1969 and the feminist author Betty Friedan delivered it. Betty Friedan was a proponent of the modern women’s movement and claimed that women in 1969 and onwards should not be trapped in the stereotypical housewife role. Friedan was convinces that social barriers in the society kept women imprisoned in â€Å"the housewife trap†. She wanted women to have better career opportunities, introduce equality with men and to eliminate the illusion of â€Å"the happy housewife†. This specific speech announces that abortion should be a part of a women’s civil right. Betty Friedan singles out women to be the invisible minority in America. The invisible women in the American society†¦show more content†¦By means of a forceful argument, Friedan clarifies her political position by using a rhetorical device called confutation. Betty Freidan makes certain reservations in her argument because she is aware of a possible opposing argument: â€Å"Am I saying that women must be liberated fro motherhood? No. I am saying that motherhood will only be a joyous and responsible human act when women are free to make, with full conscious choice and full human responsibility, the decisions to become mothers†- p. 2, l.8. The confutation is used to destroy the conceivable objections against the argument: â€Å"The essence of the denigration of women is our definition as sex objects†. Betty Friedan supports abortion on demand. She believes that mother’s should have the liberty of choice. Mother’s ought to have the rights to creativity beyond being a mother. This creativity involves pursuing a career in different occupations and to reject the prejudices about being feminine. Friedan insists on a woman’s right to choose whether to have a child or not. She thinks that motherhood will be accepted joyfully and as a great experience in life, if the choice was freely chosen. The conflicts of being a mother will not exist once women are the masters of their own faith and the captain of their souls: â€Å"I am saying that motherhood will only be a joyous and responsible human act when women are free to make, with full conscious choice and full human responsibility, the decisions toShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Civil War: A Women’s Time to Shine1334 Words   |  6 PagesThe Civil War was a defining point for the United States. The people of Ame rica were forced to step back and reevaluate what defined the American Citizen: a person with the rights and privilege to cast a vote for what or who he believes in. The key word here is â€Å"he†. The Civil War brought freedom and rights to African Americans, yet it had no directly positive effect on women’s rights. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuasive Speech on Thift Retail Free Essays

Everybody knows millions of years ago before the manifestation of the global society, man and woman ran around buck naked and fancy-free. However, Nowadays running around naked is somewhat frowned upon society. On a show of hands how many of you are all about living green? On a show of hands how many of you like to save money while giving profit/donations towards a good cause? Good Afternoon class, My name is Pearl Bentum and I shall be discussing with you the mission of different types of thrift retails, How to donate items, and last but not least items you could find at these stores. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Speech on Thift Retail or any similar topic only for you Order Now Let’s begin with the missions of different types of thrift retail. Salvation Army is one of the most popular amongst them all. Due to the fact that it’s the only religious one. Their mission is to use donations to Care for the poor, Feed the hungry, Shelter the homeless, Cloth the naked, Love the unlovable, and Befriend the friendless. Another type of thrift retail is the Good Will. Their mission is to provide vocational education for people with disabilities, training programs, services based on the needs of the community, and the financial resources of the organization. Let’s move on to how to donate items. There are three steps to take in order to donate your items. Number one, you have to determine whether or not your item/items are useful. Most charities can only make use of items that are new, unused, or nearly new. If you don’t have any use for your old, tattered couch, rusty washing machine, or other used item, chances are neither will a charity. Similarly, a timeshare that has turned out to be a bad investment for you won’t do much to help out a worthy charity. Number two, Consider selling your items and donating the proceeds to charity. By donating cash instead of goods you allow charities greater flexibility in spending the money so that it reaches the people or animals that need it the most. When you sell the items yourself you also eliminate the for-profit middleman that can take a big cut of the money intended for charity. When you sell the items yourself you also unburden charities of any time and money they would have to spend on selling or refurbishing the items, allowing them to spend more resources directly fulfilling their missions. Finally, by selling the items yourself, you know the exact value of the donation you can report to the IRS and don’t have to worry about estimating the amount for your tax returns. Number three, Start locally to find the right charity. In order to avoid transportation costs that can lower the impact of your donation, look first in your local community to find a charity to support with your noncash contribution. Call around and ask charities if they accept the kind of items you are looking to donate, and if they don’t find out if they have any suggestions of a charity that does. Lastly, I would like to share with you what you can find at these thrift retails. You can items such as clothes and shoes. For example this whole outfit I have on today I purchased at the thrift store. You can find items such as couches and decorative pillows such as this one I purchased about a year ago. There is also a wide variety of electronics that you could find. In brief, getting involved in the thrift retail business, weither its thru purchasing items or donating items it goes to a good cause and also helps you to save money and go green. Just know that every little thing counts. And hopefully you will go out and donate or even shop at the thrift stores. Thank you How to cite Persuasive Speech on Thift Retail, Essays

Thursday, April 30, 2020

John Quincy Adams Essays (1590 words) - Adams Family,

John Quincy Adams John Quincy Adams was the only son of a president to become president. He had an impressive political background that began at the age of fourteen. He was an intelligent and industrious individual. He was a man of strong character and high principles. By all account, his presidency should have been a huge success, yet it wasn't. John Quincy Adams' presidency was frustrating and judged a failure because of the scandal, attached to his election, the pettiness of his political rivals, and his strong character. John Quincy Adams was born on July 1767, in Braintree Massachusetts. His parents were John and Abigail Adams. Quincy, had every advantage as a youngster. At the time of his birth, his father was an increasingly admired and prospering lawyer, and his mother Abigail Smith Adams, was the daughter of an esteemed minister, whose wife's family combined two prestigious and influential lines, the Nortons and the Quincys. Accompanying his father on diplomatic missions in Europe, young John Quincy Adams received a splendid education at private schools in Paris, Leiden, and Amsterdam, early developing his penchant for omnivorous reading. He was able to speak several languages. At the age of fourteen, he was asked to serve as secretary and translator to Francis Dana, the first US ambassador to Russia. Despite his age, young Adams was a valuable aid to the consul; he enjoyed Russia and the exposure to diplomatic circles. He later returned to the United States and attended Harvard. He graduated in two years and entered the law offices of Theophilus Parsons in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Passing the bar in 1790, he set up practice in Boston. In 1794 John began his long political career. George Washington appointed John Quincy Adams an Ambassador to the Netherlands. After his father was elected as the second president of the United States, he was reassigned to the post of minister to Prussia. He kept this post throughout his fathers' term of office. After his fathers defeat to Thomas Jefferson he returned home. In 1802 he was elected to the Massachusetts senate, which sent him to the U. S senate the following year. He was also appointed to the Supreme Court, a membership he declined. President James Madison then appointed him to minister to Russia in 1809. He continued to serve his country and gained a well-respected reputation. Adding to his reputation was his brilliant and tough-minded performance as chief American peace commissioner in the negotiations at Gent that ended the War of 1812 and his effectiveness as minister to Great Britain during the last two years of the Madison administration. He continued to distinguish himself by negotiating a treaty with Spain. The Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain, concluded with Spain on February 22, 1819. Provided for the transfer of East and West Florida to the United States and the establishment of a border between Spanish and US territory running from the Gulf of Mexico to the Rocky Mountains and along the forty -second parallel to the Pacific ocean. Historians regard the treaty as a brilliant act of diplomacy, and Adams himself called its conclusion the most important event of my life. Many historians give credit to Adams for his contributions to the Monroe Doctrine. Adams also was the mind behind the Monroe Doctrine, which warned that the United States would oppose any European interference in the internal affairs of an American nation or further European colonization of territory in the Western Hemisphere. There was no doubt that Adams was a deserving candidate for the presidential election of 1824. He had held high diplomatic positions and displayed both aptitude and ability. He wanted to be President, but although Adams was the most distinguished member of the Monroe Cabinet, his successes were somewhat neutralized by his lack of friends and organizational backing? He had also earned himself a reputation of being stubborn and unflexable. He had no problems speaking out against issues h e felt were unjust. He also spoke out against his own political party. The son of a leading Federalist Party, Adams proved to be anything but a slavish devotee to that political cause. When he thought the party was in the wrong, he stood ready to oppose it. In fact,